
To request assistance or to report imminent danger, you must contact 112 - European Emergency Telefon Number.

In regions where this number is not active, you can contact Carabinieri (112), Police (113), Fire Department (115), Guardia di Finanza (117), Italian Emergency Medical Service (118), Coast Guard (1530), Environmental Emergency (1515) depending on the areas of responsibility.

The civil protection authorities activated during an emergency are the mayor, prefecture, province, region, and state, depending on the events to be dealt with.

Type A events can be managed at the local level, where the Mayor is the first Civil Protection authority. In these cases, the Mayor may decide to set up the COC - Municipal Operational Centre to better coordinate the management of the event (e.g., rockfall, road interruption due to mudslides, etc.).

Type B events are not autonomously managed by the mayor, and higher bodies (Prefecture, Province, Region) must intervene. At the Prefecture level, CCS - Relief Coordination Centres may be activated from which other mixed operational centers may depend. In this case, the activation of the regional operations room could also be envisaged.

Type C events cannot be managed with the resources of the regions alone and require state intervention. In this case, the Prime Minister operates through the National Civil Protection Department to deal with the emergency.

For more information, see Article 3 of Decree 1/2018.

As the first Civil Protection Authority in the relevant territory, the Mayor activates the civil protection plans, informs citizens about risk scenarios, and determines the actions to protect the population.

Therefore, based on weather warnings or after fires or earthquakes, the Mayor can order the closure of schools and activate all the measures to protect the population provided for in the civil protection plan.

No. In such cases, you must report the problem to the service operator using the telephone numbers listed on the website.

If the problem persists or you cannot contact the operator, report the matter to your municipality, which may also request intervention from the regional civil protection.

Assisting people with disabilities during emergencies requires special precautions.

The tips interest everyone, even if people with disabilities do not live in one's household: in an emergency, one may have to help family members and friends, co-workers, acquaintances, neighbors, schoolmates, and people met by chance.

It is, therefore, a good idea to know at least the basics of assisting people with disabilities.

For more information, see abiliaproteggere.net

During an emergency, the Civil Protection Department can check the situation of the national road network to assist in the movement of rescue supplies. It does not, however, deal with infomobility, which remains the responsibility of network operators.

For up-to-date traffic information, contact CCISS toll-free at 1518. You can also call the following numbers:

- Pronto Anas toll-free number: 800 841148
- Autostrade per l'Italia call center 840 042121
- Autostrada del Brennero toll-free number 800 279940

For information on the train network situation, contact the Trenitalia call center 89 2021, active h24. For customers with reduced mobility, the toll-free number 800 906060 is also available.

During an emergency, always limit travel as much as possible and check the road conditions before embarking on your journey.

It is essential to join a trained volunteer organization to aid in disaster interventions. Individual contributions may not facilitate rescue efforts in such cases.

If you are already a member of a volunteer organization, please contact your reference person for guidance. If you would like to help but are not yet registered with a volunteer organization, you can consult the National list of civil protection volunteer organizations available on our website or visit your region's civil protection website.

Please note that participation in national activities is subject to the activation of associations registered in the territorial lists by the regions and organizations registered in the central list by the Civil Protection Department.

The National Civil Protection Department operates within the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), a facility of the European Union created to facilitate cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions in emergencies requiring prompt response actions.

The Mechanism is activated for emergencies or crises within or outside the Union by sharing resources from all Member States. All initiatives are based on the principle of subsidiarity, whereby Union actions must always be taken in coordination with and at the request of the affected state.

As provided for national activities, we remind you that participation in international events is subject to activation by the Regions for associations registered in the Territorial lists and by the Civil Protection Department for organizations registered in the Central list.

The Civil Protection Department does not typically handle the collection of goods, necessities, and housing offers to support the population affected by an emergency.

The municipalities or regions where the event occurred may organize initiatives to support the area.

We recommend contacting the local institutions involved in the event to inquire about any specific collections you can participate in.

If you plan to donate money to help people affected by an emergency, please check our website to find out if there is a specific bank account or donation number

Yes, and this applies both to individuals and companies.

Donations are deductible according to the tax indications for the year of reference dictated by the Italian Revenue Agency.

The Civil Protection Plan is a tool that enables authorities to prepare and coordinate rescue operations, protecting the population and property in areas at risk.

Usually, municipalities assign the task of drafting the plan to a skilled technician with expertise in the field (e.g., engineer, geologist, architect) or a municipal technician (without compensation) familiar with the territory and its issues.

The Department of Civil Protection has no jurisdiction over civil protection planning at the municipal level, and municipalities are not obliged to inform the Department of it.

For information on the civil protection plan, please contact your municipality or the Civil Protection Department of your region, prefecture, or province.

You can view the list of states of emergency, categorized by risk type, on our website.

The Civil Protection Department is aware of the rise of fake news and the publication of articles containing inaccurate information, which causes alarm among the population.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the publication of such content because it is not within the Department's jurisdiction to investigate the statements circulating on the web.

However, in the case of particularly serious statements, the Department immediately reports them to the relevant authorities.

The procedures for assessing damage vary depending on the type and geographical extent of the event.

The fire service will conduct initial inspections in response to urgent requests for technical support from citizens or more extensive assessments to identify the most high-risk situations.

After an earthquake, the Fire Department conducts an initial assessment. For a more detailed evaluation (Aedes cards), citizens can request an inspection from the municipality by filling out a specific form. The municipality will prioritize inspections based on the urgency of each case and will send qualified technician teams for the assessment.

For information on family members abroad, contact the Crisis Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 06 36225 or e-mail unita.crisi@esteri.it