Ukraine - Assistance and accommodation

Information for individuals benefiting from public assistance in Italy due to the emergency caused by the war in Ukraine now online

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On this page, you will find detailed information about the opportunities available to those benefiting from public assistance in Italy as a result of the humanitarian emergency caused by the war in Ukraine. 2025 will be a transition year featuring important deadlines and significant changes to the existing support measures.
The following questions and answers clarify the latest news regarding housing assistance, financial contributions, and health rights for Ukrainian citizens in our country. Specifically, this information helps understand how current reception processes within the facilities made available by Italian authorities will evolve, including the option for individuals to receive a contribution. Additionally, it helps understand how and when specific extraordinary economic support measures will come to an end, aligning assistance with the standard provisions currently established by Italian law.

The main deadlines, application submission procedures, and available resources within the Italian reception system are also outlined. It is crucial to read each point carefully to understand the necessary actions to take in 2025. This begins with identifying the need for assistance for individuals currently residing in public facilities, which must be addressed by January 15.

For the Ukrainian version, please follow this link: Питання та відповіді

By January 15, 2025, the third sector body or the hotel accommodating you will conduct an assessment on behalf of the Civil Protection Department to identify any assistance needs of the residents. After gathering this information, the current widespread reception system will be evaluated for restructuring, and other accommodation options will be explored after January 31, 2025. Therefore, starting on February 1, it is unclear if you will stay in the same place.

During the identification phase, you will be required to fill out a form where you can indicate your need for public assistance until June 30, 2025.

If you still need housing and additional public assistance, you may have to relocate. Reception services will be available nationwide until December 31, 2025. However, starting from February 1, 2025, the support provided may be in a different region or location than where you were hosted until January 31.

If you no longer require public assistance, you can apply for the "extraordinary exit contribution." This contribution is provided as a one-time payment by the Civil Protection Department. To qualify for this contribution, you must leave your current housing facility by January 31, 2025.

Yes, you can apply for the subsistence allowance if you have been granted a residence permit for temporary protection by January 31, 2025, and have not already received the allowance.

You will need your tax code to proceed. You can find it on the receipt issued by the Italian Police when you applied for the residence permit for temporary protection or on the residence permit itself. If you have not received your tax code or have lost your receipt, please get in touch with the Police Station for assistance.

Additionally, you will need an email address and a mobile phone number. If you do not have your own, you may use the email and mobile phone number of a family member or friend, but they must regularly check their communications concerning you.

You must apply for the subsistence allowance by February 20, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted.

If you apply for the subsistence allowance in 2025, you can apply for the second and third monthly payments by April 20, 2025. You can only apply on the platform for subsequent instalments once you have collected the previous one.

To be eligible for the subsistence allowance, you must have submitted the application for the residence permit for temporary protection at the Questura - Immigration Office of the city where you are located before January 31, 2025. 


To qualify for the allowance, you must be or have been living in independent accommodation (not in state-funded facilities) for at least ten days within a month. Based on this requirement, you can apply for up to three monthly payments starting from the date you submit your application for a residence permit for temporary protection.

You must submit the application for a residence permit for temporary protection at the Questura - Immigration Office of the city where you are currently staying. After submitting your application, you will receive your Tax Code to access the Civil Protection Department's platform and request the allowance.

The subsistence allowance is 300 euros a month for each adult. The parent of a minor under 18 is entitled to a supplement of 150 euros per month per child. For example, a parent of a minor under 18 may receive a monthly contribution of 450 euros.

The allowance is not available for the foster parents or guardians of unaccompanied foreign minors, even if those minors are entitled to temporary protection. According to the Head of Department Ordinance No. 898/2022, a more favorable solution is provided to protect these minors. The Deputy Commissioner for unaccompanied minors recognizes that municipalities receiving unaccompanied minors from Ukraine in authorized or accredited facilities are eligible for reimbursement of expenses incurred. This reimbursement covers costs up to 100 euros per day for each person and applies to the municipalities that support family fostering for these minors. To access the benefits provided, the legal guardian and the foster parent must apply to the municipality where they reside.

Yes, to apply, you must have lived in independent accommodation (not in facilities funded by the Italian State) for at least ten days a month. Your declarations will be reviewed, and the financial contribution will be revoked if you provide false information. If you have already received the contribution, you will be required to repay it. Please note that providing false statements is a criminal offense, and you will be reported to the authorities. If you realize you are not eligible for the subsistence allowance you applied for, you can cancel your request by sending an email before the allowance is issued. This will help you avoid any additional checks and potential consequences.

If the data in your identity record on the platform is incorrect, incomplete, or does not belong to you, do not continue with the application process. Instead, contact the Police Station where you applied for your residence permit for temporary protection and request a correction of your data.
In case of doubt, write to the Contact Center of the Civil Protection Department.

The data of minors up to 14 should already be present in your identity record. If they do not result or the data are incorrect, you must return to the Police Station – Questura to correct the information. The data of minors between 14 and 18 years old are not included in your identity record. For this reason, to certify your status as a parent, you must attach the certificate of reunification (ricongiungimento familiare) issued by the Police Station to your application (it is a certificate that links the child's temporary protection residence permit with the parent's permit: click here to view the facsimile of the certificate). If you do not have the certificate yet, proceed with the application for you and any other children present in your identity record. You can subsequently integrate the application via email after having obtained the certificate at the Police Station.

If you encounter any technical issues or problems with your identity record during the compilation process (such as the integration for your children not being recognized or issues with your tax code), you can report these problems by March 31, 2025, to the Contact Center of the Civil Protection Department using the online form. They will get in touch with you as soon as possible to help address and resolve your issues.

If you are the parent of a minor under 14, your child/children's data should already be present in your identity record on the platform. In this case, you only need to fill out the application.

If you are a parent of a minor between 14 and 18, your child's data is not included in your identity record. To certify your parental status and obtain the supplementary subsistence allowance for minors, you will need a certificate of reunification (ricongiungimento familiare) issued by the Police Station (it is a certificate that links the child's temporary protection residence permit with the parent's permit: click here to view the facsimile of the certificate). If you possess this certificate, please upload it on the platform when applying for the subsistence allowance. If you have previously applied for the subsistence allowance for yourself and your child by uploading the certificate of reunification on the platform or by sending it via email, you do not need to upload or send it again when applying for subsequent quotas.

You will receive a text message from Poste Italiane and/or an email from the Civil Protection Department at the contacts you indicated during the application process (mobile phone number and email address). Seven days after receiving the sms and/or email confirming your application approval, please go to a Post Office to check payment availability. If you request the allowance by the 20th of the month, you will receive the contribution in the following month's payment. Remember, you have two months from your application approval to withdraw the contribution at the Post Office.

You can withdraw the allowance in cash at any post office. Be sure to bring the identity document you used to apply for the residence permit for temporary protection, along with the receipt of your application issued by the Police Station - Questura that contains your Fiscal Code or residence permit for temporary protection.

No. You must collect your contribution personally.

Once you receive a text message from Poste Italiane or an email from the Civil Protection Department at the contact information you provided during the application (mobile phone number and email address), you have two months to collect the contribution. The contribution will be revoked if you do not claim it within this period.

It is no longer possible to return the amount you are not entitled to via post-slip payment. A new procedure is being established and will be announced soon. Alternatively, you can return the funds via international bank transfer (please download the details) while specifying the following reference: "Restituzione al Dipartimento della protezione civile per emergenza Ucraina." Please note that the transaction cost should be deducted from the amount to be returned.

To collect your cash contribution at any post office counter, you must present your ID (such as a passport) along with your residence permit for temporary protection, which should include your tax code. Ensure that at least one of these two documents is valid.

You need to arrange for an official transliteration of your identity document from Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet. You can visit the Ukrainian consulates in Italy, specifically in Rome, Milan, or Naples. 
Although the Department of Civil Protection has requested that consulates offer the option for remote transliteration (via email), this solution has not been approved by the Ukrainian authorities. Therefore, you will need to visit one of the consulates in person. Be sure to check if you need to make an appointment before going to the consulate. Alternatively, you can consult a translator and then have the transliteration of your document certified (sworn) at the Registry of any court.

If you hold temporary protection status, you have been assigned a tax code and are eligible for public health benefits. For more information on how to register for the Italian National Health Service, please contact the local health authority (ASL) nearest to your home.

The Ministry of Interior's Department for civil liberties and immigration will maintain the existing measures for unaccompanied foreign minors until December 31, 2025.