Teachers and students
This section contains the answers to the more asked questions from schools to the Department on: visits to the operational headquarter, school materials, school camps and training program for young people.

To obtain these datas see the civic access procedures
To request a contribution to our offices send a formal request via PEC or regular email through the University or your supervisor. Remember to indicate your personal details and email or phone contact, the title of the dissertation work and a description that specifies the research's purpose. Once received the request you will be contacted by our offices.
The Department has not presented any call for the current year. Hower the civic service represents an opportunity for personal growth and training for young people that choose voluntarly to offer service to others and to their Country, acquiring useful skills for a future job.
The National Office for Civic Service of the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service. With the Decree law of 6 march 2017, no. 40, the national service became universal.
For more information ask to the National Office for Civic Service.